Resultados: 7

Estudos experimentais sobre COVID-19: panorama da produção científica mundial

Resumo Objetivo Descrever o panorama mundial da produção de estudos experimentais relacionados à COVID-19. Métodos Estudo descritivo, realizado em abril de 2020, a partir de busca pelos registros de ensaios clínicos, nos portais Clinical Trials e Registros Brasileiros de Ensaios Clínicos. A anál...

Elderly individuals living by themselves: knowledge and measures to prevent the novel coronavirus

Objective: to describe the occurrence of COVID-19 and the health services used by elderly individuals living by themselves; identify the knowledge held by elderly individuals regarding the transmission, signs and symptoms of COVID-19, as well as factors associated with poor knowledge of preventive measur...

Como os hospitais universitários estão enfrentando a pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil?

Resumo Objetivo Identificar as ações que os hospitais universitários federais estão desenvolvendo no enfrentamento da pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil. Métodos Estudo documental, a partir de informações disponibilizadas nos sites oficiais de 44 hospitais universitários da rede federal de ensino...

Challenges faced by pediatric nursing workers in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic

Objective to identify the challenges pediatric nursing workers face as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Method qualitative study, using a semi-structured electronic form applied to nursing workers from pediatric services in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Data were submitted to lexicographic an...

Factors associated with the use and reuse of face masks among Brazilian individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic

Objective to identify the factors associated with the use and reuse of masks among Brazilian individuals in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Method cross-sectional study conducted in the five Brazilian regions, among adult individuals, via an electronic form disseminated in social media, addressi...

Scientific production in online journals about the new Coronavirus (Covid-19): bibliometric research

ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the bibliometric indicators of scientific production available in online journals that address Covid-19. Method: bibliometric study using Bradford's Law, network maps and textual statistics conducted with publications available in databases, from January to March 2020....

Planejamento operacional durante a pandemia de Covid-19: comparação entre recomendações da Organização Mundial de Saúde e o Plano de de Contigência Nacional

OBJETIVO: frente à divulgação do guia COVID-19 - Operational Planning Guidelines to Support Country Preparedness and Response, pela Organização Mundial da Saúde, esta comunicação buscou comparar o conteúdo do Plano de Contingência Nacional às orientações da Organização Mundial da Saúde. D...